The famous adage of Mr. Peter Drucker “ if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” perfectly holds true for managing personal cash flows.

There are only two situations you end up

1.Positive cash flow– You generate cash inflow (salary, bonus, investment income etc) more than your cash  outflow (fixed expenses, extra expenses, interest expenses, taxes etc) leaving you with a  cash surplus at the end of the period which could be used to create asset.

2.Negative cash flow– You generate cash inflow (salary, bonus, investment income etc)  that are less than your cash  outflow (fixed expenses, extra expenses, interest expenses, taxes etc) leaving you with a  cash deficit at the end of the period which could force you to take on debt.

If you want to improve your cash flow management; you should be able to measure your cash flows appropriately in the first place. This would require a proper budget. MERA funds would be able to assist you in creating a right budget. we assist you in achieving positive cash flows which could be used to create wealth. Creating a positive cash flow is a must for achieving financial freedom.

 Get in touch with us today so that we can help you to generate positive cash flow